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475 Field Communicator

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상품명 475 Field Communicator
제조사 Emerson
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Emerson Process Management

475 Field Communicator

The 475 field communicator delivers a colorful user interface and faster operation for all HART and FOUNDATION fieldbus devices

The Emerson Process Management 475 Field Communicator establishes the new standard for handheld communicators. With a full-color user interface, powerful diagnostic capabilities, and fast start up and operating times, the Emerson Process Management 475 Field Communicator will power your experience and simplify your work in the field.

The Emerson Process Management 475 Field Communicator supports all HART®, FOUNDATION™ fieldbus, and Wireless HART™ devices and is intrinsically safe so it can go wherever you go.

Uses for the Emerson Process Management 475 Field Communicator include:
  • Configure field devices or perform diagnostics for effective troubleshooting in the field.
  • Create a quality segment
  • Detect power supply problems
  • Run valve diagnostics
  • Locate incorrect terminations and faulty devices without dragging a laptop into the plant.

The Emerson Process Management 475 Field Communicator is fully compatible with AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager. AMS Device Manager allows you to configure, calibrate, document, and troubleshoot HART®, FOUNDATION™ fieldbus, and Wireless HART® devices. Easily transfer device configurations between AMS Device Manager and the Emerson Process Management 475 Field Communicator via Bluetooth to ensure you are always looking at the most updated device information.

New HART® and FOUNDATION™ fieldbus devices, as well as updates to existing devices, are continually introduced by device vendors. With Easy Upgrade, you can keep your Emerson Process Management 475 Field Communicator updated with the most current Device Descriptions (DDs) for all the devices in your plant. Update at your site, get only what you need, and do it when it is convenient for you.

Quick Specs
  • Manufactured by Emerson Process Management
  • Universal – HART and FOUNDATION fieldbus devices
  • User upgradeable
  • Intrinsically safe
  • Rugged and reliable
  • Interfaces with AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager
  • Graphical interface
  • Bluetooth communication

* 전화주문 : 031-704-2401 팩스주문 : 031-704-2421 메일주문 : aaa@a-a.co.kr

  입금계좌 : 국민은행 298737-04-004838  예금주 :아이에스테크주식회사

*카드결제는 홈페이지 상에서 지원되지 않습니다. 카드결제를 이용하실 분들은 031-704-2401로 연락 바랍니다.


  • 배송 방법 : 택배 & 화물
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 4,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 3일 ~ 7일
  • 배송 안내 :

    - 배송료 : 10만원 미만시 착불 발송 됩니다.

      배송여건이 어려운 섬지방의 경우와 제품의 무게등 배송상의 문제로 인해 배송비용은 추가 될 수 있습니다.

    - 퀵서비스 요청시 착불 배송이 원칙 입니다.

    - 택배 마감 시간은 오후 4시 입니다.


- 물품 파손 및 기능상의 이상이 있을경우 즉시 당사로 연락하여 사고 접수 바랍니다.

- 재고품목의 단순 변심 및 사양변경에 따른 경우 왕복 배송비가 부담 됩니다.

- 수입발주품 및 주문제작품은 반품 및 교환이 원천 불가 하오니 주문시 충분한 사양 검토 바랍니다.


A/S 서비스 신청은 신청서 다운로드 후 내용작성 후 동봉하여 발송 바랍니다.

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국민은행 / 아이에스테크주식회사


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